501 German Verbs

Status: Available
Brand: انتشارات بارونز Barrons
501 German Verbs

The most commonly used 501 German verbs are arranged alphabetically in a table format, one verb per page with English translation, and conjugated in all tenses and forms. The book’s additional features include common idioms with example sentences to demonstrate verb usage and a grammar review. This book includes a bonus CD-ROM enclosed at no additional charge. The CD-ROM presents valuable exercises for students in German sentence completion, word completion, word matching, and conversational dialogue, with answers provided for all exercises.

Technical Specs 501 German Verbs

نویسنده : Henry Strutz
ناشر : Barrons
تاریخ چاپ : 1402
شابک : 978-0764193934
نوع چاپ : سیاه و سفید
قطع کتاب : وزیری
تعداد صفحات : 704
زبان کتاب : آلمانی
جلد کتاب : شومیز
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