A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism

Status: Available
Brand: انتشارات لانگمن Longman
A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism

Narrative/Theory, edited by David H. Richter, 1996

Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies, Third Edition, by Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer, 1994

Ideology, edited by Terry Eagleton, 1994

Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, edited by David Lodge, 1989


Also Available

Longman Critical Readers series, providing seminal modern readings of key texts, authors, genres, and critical approaches




Technical Specs A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism

نویسنده : M. Keith Booker
ناشر : Longman
تاریخ چاپ : 1402
قطع کتاب : وزیری
جلد کتاب : شومیز
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