An Introduction to Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition

Status: Available
Brand: انتشارات کمبریج Cambridge
An Introduction to Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition

A clear and up-to-date introduction to linguistics. This best-selling textbook addresses the full scope of language, from the traditional subjects of structural linguistics (relating to sound, form, meaning and language change) to the more specialised subjects of contextual linguistics (including discourse, dialect variation, language and culture, and the politics of language). There are also separate chapters on language and the brain, computational linguistics, writing, and first and second language learning. Extensively classroom-tested, this second edition has been revised to further support student learning, with numerous new examples, exercises and textboxes to model and contextualise key concepts. Updated throughout to incorporate contemporary issues and events, it includes worked examples of phonological analyses and multiple examples of a variety of World Englishes. A rich collection of online resources completes the learning package.

Technical Specs An Introduction to Language and Linguistics 2nd Edition

نویسنده : Ralph W. Fasold, Jeff Connor-Linton
ناشر : Cambridge
تاریخ چاپ : 1402
شابک : 9781107637993
نوبت چاپ : اول
قطع کتاب : وزیری
تعداد صفحات : 573
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
جلد کتاب : شوميز
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