Oxford English for Careers Tourism 1 Student’s Book

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Oxford English for Careers Tourism 1 Student’s Book

Focuses on the functional language needed to succeed in the job. This book presents grammar, vocabulary, and skills, contextualized in real work situations. It includes job profiles of real professionals, specialist facts and figures, and quotations. It provides easy-to-understand tips, additional activities for mixed ability classes, and more


Technical Specs Oxford English for Careers Tourism 1 Student’s Book

نویسنده : Robin Walker and Keith Harding
ناشر : Oxford
تاریخ چاپ : 2009
شابک : 9780194551007
نوع چاپ : سياه و سفيد
تعداد صفحات : 144
زبان کتاب : انگلیسی
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